Dance Team
24-25 Team Auditions
May 11th, 2024
1:00-3:00 (ages 5-9)
3:00-5:00 (ages 10+)
What is Dance Team?
This is a competitive level team that will attend three different dance competitions/conventions. Dancers must be able to commit to the team for the entire season (August-June). Dance team provides dancers with the opportunity to increase their dance training beyond recreation and fortify bonds with not only the DPAA family, but other dance studios as well.
Team/Competition Fees
Tuition: Mini Team $125 /month
Junior Team $175 /month
$125 for Team Jacket
$60 for Team bag
Costume fees will be established after audition results
Additional fees will be required for shoes/accessories/etc.
Competition/Convention fees are determined after audition results
Solo/Duet/Trios are an addition $80-$170 per competition
500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158 / Tel. 123-456-7890